Saturday, July 16, 2011


This didn't work too well. I sort of forgot about this website, and haven't done anything with it for a long time. Right now my main project in woodworking is building two banjos. (That may have been the secret project mentioned earlier, but I've forgotten!) We are doing the bible bee right now, and that takes up a lot of time. I never knew was so bad at memorizing. It seems like my brothers and sisters can just read a card once or twice and have memorized it. Right now the lab is also very cluttered; I just got about 50 years worth of the Proceedings of the IRE (now IEEE), plus about the same number of years of Radio magazine, and am trying to find places for all of them. I just got back from a swim meet. I swam 50m backstroke and butterfly. I only have to drop .08 seconds in my fly to break 30, which is one of my swimming goals for this summer. (I placed second, the the winning time was 30.00s) I have been doing winter swim, and am currently swimming with coaches Bill and Bob at Camelot, (SCM) and Audry Moore, (LCM). 
 I am also busy with some of the new equipment we got down in Florida. The lab has been expanded to the entire sunroom, with a woodworking space.

More later

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