Thursday, September 6, 2012

Western Night

For Labor Day this year we went over to a friends' house for a western themed evening. We had a great time, and it was enjoyed by everyone. Here are some photos, starting off with a group photo and some photos of what people were wearing:

This was me for a total of about two minutes...

This is what I looked like for the rest of the evening.
(By the way, I seem to be in a disproportionate number of photos in this post,
but, on the other hand, I usually don't have any of me, because I'm taking the photos,
so maybe it will average out all right)

Dinner was excellent, and western themed as well, with a sprinkling of green jalapeƱo peppers, which was appreciated by some more than others ;) Some photos from dinner:
Everybody smile!
That's me!
And plenty of humor, fellowship, and good fun to go around.
Though for some more than others
A little girl from the prairie...

And last, but certainly not least, the dancing:

As will happen when you have people different heights, we had  the occasional height mismatch...

But, the dancing was enjoyed by all, (except perhaps two boys who became invisible at the first possible opportunity!)

(I won't say who)
Apologies for the (out of focus) video, this was the next to last dance, and people were getting tired and hot, but this gives a better idea of how the dance goes than the photos.

And, winding up, a final group photo.


  1. Those are great, Zac! It was lots of fun!

  2. Nice pictures! If the video quality is what bothers you, the timing is what bothers me! ;P
    I love Matthias's style of dancing!


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