Monday, November 26, 2012


My blog now has over 1000 pageviews! 
(Made in Blender, some textures from spiral graphics)

Thanks to all the readers of this blog :)

Here are some miscellaneous stats from this blog: 
I always like to see statistics for websites. It's also interesting to note how many views are from Russia. Someone over there is keeping tabs on things...
I really like that chart on the left :D Keep it coming!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

What better way to celebrate the LORD's goodness than to gather together and thank him?
After church in the morning, we had our grandparents over. It appears that was a common idea, because this is what our street looked like!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

YouTube view counter

This is a really well liked video...

I wonder when YouTube is going to fix their view counter problem?

(Really awesome video by the way)
Even more impressive is that they filmed it in less than 24 hours!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


This was in my homework, and it's kind of neat, so I thought I'd embed it here:

Your browser may notify you that this has insecure content. (especially if using Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), but it is being hosted by Amazon, and is being used by MIT, so it should be fairly secure.

--Edit-- Take a look at this too:

Monday, November 12, 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

I do not like chemistry!

And this is why I should not be taking the chemistry class I'm in right now:

"...assuming that you know the F-F homonuclear bond energy is 154.8 kJ/mole. Express your answer in kJ/mole."

Right...just assuming I know that sort of thing.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Story of a Shared Gmail Chat...

{3:17 PM John: We have not lost our power yet, but it has been flickering. Glad to hear yours is back. Kristie
3:18 PM me: I hope yours stays on. Do you have a generator?
 John: yup
3:19 PM me: That's good, we don't but our neighbor does. Right now I'm watching my Harvard computer lectures.
3:20 PM John: Good you can get school done when the power's on!
3:21 PM I did my BB work this morning which is good.
  Edit: BB computer work
 me: Actually, I downloaded the lectures to the laptop, so as long as I have battery left I can watch the lectures, which is nice.
3:22 PM I'm glad you were able to work on the Bible bee
  What computer work?
 John: Yeah. Battery on my laptop stinks. It has like a 6 minute life.
  Oh, I am typing all my cross references into quizlet
3:23 PM me: I added a external battery pack to this laptop, so I get a lifetime in the hours, which is great.
  Have you tried Anki? That's what I have to use for latin.
3:26 PM By the way, if you discharge a laptop battery below 40% it damages it.
 John: Translation please...
 me: for...?
3:27 PM John: last thing you typed.
3:28 PM me: Most laptops have a battery status indicator. If is says 40% battery remaining (or less) than you are damaging the battery.
  Is that any help?
3:29 PM John: anki looks like it might be good, but since I already have typed 700 some crs into quizlet I think I'll stick to that.
  okay. that's what I thought you meant. So you should plug your computer in if it is at 40%?
 me: O.K. I like it because it's cross-platform, and you can share quiz sets
3:30 PM John: got to go. by
  cross-platform? shared across computers
 me: O.K., bye
 John: that was Mark
 me: Who am I typing to ???
 John: Jessie
3:31 PM me: I'm starting to wonder here...
 John: nonono
  Kristie. truly
  Amy is telling you silly things.
  just we have 3 computers with gmail up and I'm trying to control Mark ~Amy
 me: O.K....
 John: I should get back to work now.
3:32 PM me: Me too, 73.
  I enjoyed having this chat session. signed Kristie
  Every weird thing stated is Mark aka Feazle dorp
  Its Amy
3:33 PM believe me
  Mark, quit!!!
  BY ~Mark
  Finally Marks off!!!
3:34 PM He is so annoying
 me: O.K., this was the most interesting chat I've had in a long time.
 John: that was Mark too.
 me: That's what I thought
 John: I am not off!!!!!
3:35 PM me: By the way, if you have three people typing to me, I have three people (Beth, Ethan and me watching this :D)
 John: next time dont fix Mark's copter. he keeps flying it into my head! x-(
3:36 PM me: So sorry, I taught him how to fix it on Sunday!
3:37 PM John: HEY I never flew it into your head!!!
 me: Wait.. is that how it got broken?
 John: as you can see, Mark easily gets bottled energy that he exudes on his sisters as they peacefully are walking through life.
  I didnt!!1
3:38 PM me: Oh yes, we don't have anything like that around here! ;)
3:39 PM John: That;s because Ethan's hair was sticking up last night!
  I might call Beth soon - Mark
 me: You know he's watching this, right?
3:40 PM John: That is so off topic.
  ugh, Mark is making this all up himself. If you want to get any school done you might want to just close gmail completely except that you might find this too amusing. ~ actual Amy
 me: Who is off topic?!!!
 John: HER
  Mark and Ethan of course.
3:41 PM NOT ME
  Obviously the all caps things are Mark.
  not me
  that is actual real live Amy
3:42 PM me: This has afforded quite a bit of amusement, but I really have to finish my Harvard computer class (next class: how to hack Google chat! ;), so goodbye.
 John: bye. Kristie
  Kristie's off

Anyway, let that serve as an example to you!

By the way, a couple of notes: I changed all the names. I did some minor spelling/format corrections (I left 
most of it as typed), and, I was just kidding about the hacking as you can see from the ;). (Though I am taking CS50)
Also, the responses don't always line up with the questions, because I can only type so fast.

return 0;

Oops, sorry, too much C programming ;P