Friday, December 21, 2012

The end of the world (again!)

I really can't keep from laughing at the end of the world predictions, as they are really often quite ridiculous. (This is what, the third time this year?) For example, if the Mayan calender ends the 21st, at let's say 22:00, what happens when you move to a different time zone?! On that topic, this was rather amusing:

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Project London

Project London is now on Kickstarter!
Haven't heard of Project London? Click here, or watch the trailer below!

Project London: Official Trailer from Phil McCoy on Vimeo.
(made with blender)

It's really amazing how this was made, and the graphics and sound effects are amazing!
Here is the speech from the screening:

Here is the kickstarter page:

And here is the official website:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

More chemistry...

Here's a normal comment from my chemistry course...

"The equation seems to suggest that the rate constant, 'k', is dimensionless since activation energy over the boltzmann constant times temperature is joules over joules in dimension. However, this problem and the book indicate that it's in inverse seconds. And all of this is confusing me in my calculations. Could someone clarify this for me? - saturnianalien

("All this is confusing me" -You're not alone!)

Someone responds...

"The dimension of k is 1/s. the exponential function is dimensionless (both EA and kB*T have the dimension of energies, but k0 has the dimension 1/s."

Also, zeroth is a word (It's in my textbook)