Thursday, January 26, 2012


And here's one of my ocean sim tests:

I moved the red ball manually to (hopefully) make it look like it was floating, and partially succeeded.
Water is hard.


Project London Movie downloads are available! Here's what I have done so far with one of them:

It's pretty neat that they have them available for free. Again, it's a little on the fast side, but that's O.K. At some point I want to add smoke, dust, etc., and maybe a background scene.


O.K., I haven't posted anything for a while, but that doesn't mean I'm not active! It probably means that I'm too busy to remember to post here :) Such really hasn't been the case recently, but I have been doing things. ;) I've been doing Blender, woodworking, HAM radio, video editing, guitar playing, and piano playing. I'm going to put separate things on separate posts though. Starting with Blender... I learned how to use Dynamic paint (at least the water part of it) in Blender. It's really powerful. It will give realistic water effects without the long compute time. In fact, it will preview in realtime! (or close to it, more like 15fps on my computer, but I had the resolution really high) Here's a demo:

There are a number of problems with this animation, one major one being the speed. Animating things too fast is a common problem of mine. Also, it's showing me in the preview frame that the background is pink, which it is not.When I uploaded it to YouTube it was grey. It was rendered in cycles. I only did 100 passes per frame, so there's a lot of grain, and I think I set the ball wrong, because the water sticks to it too much, but you get the idea, and I did get it working!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Neat Visual Effects

Boardwalk Empire VFX Breakdowns of Season 2 from Brainstorm Digital on Vimeo.
The Emmy award-winning team at Brainstorm Digital has put together the before and after shots from season 2 of HBO's hit series "Boardwalk Empire". (courtesy of Home Box Office, Inc) Twitter: @BrainstormVFX.

The face tracking from 0:44-1:07 is kind of gross as shown by the video preview, but a fascinating video overall.