Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Truck stuff 01

Back for the first time in a very long time. There's a lot that's happened, but one of the big things was that I got a truck! It's a nice red and white Ford F-150.

So far I really like it, but it does need some work. I got it for $800 though, so I wasn't expecting anything else.
It was a bit of an adventure getting it. I went to buy it, and took it for a spin around the block and on the highway. Ran beautifully, though a little rich. I told him I'd buy it if it would pass a safety inspection, and it did*, so I got it. About a mile and a half down the road the motor cuts out, so I pulled into a gas station. Couldn't get it started again despite quite a number of attempts, so we had to get it towed home. Off to an interesting start. (* 'safety inspection', but I have current stickers, and that's all I need)

After a bit of fiddling, I got it running pretty nicely, but very rich. Good performance, but I estimated I was getting 4 mpg. I'm not expecting 30mpg from a 1980 truck, but 10-15 should be reasonable.
The problem with this truck as it came is that it was from the period just before fuel injection, and right around when computers were introduced. So it has a carburetor and computer, the worst of both worlds. I can't easily adjust much without throwing the computer off, but I need to because it's so rich...

What I'd like to do is convert it to a DuraSpark II ignition, which is very simple. I went to the junkyard and got a carburetor, ignition module, wiring harness, and distributer for about $70, which is great considering just a carb off ebay probably would have cost me at least that much. I put it all in (in pouring rain no less, here are more photos)

I fired it up, it ran, a little rough, but adequate for the time being, so I was happy with it and left it for the weekend. I come back a few days later, and can't get it to run. It cranks, but immediately dies. I adjusted timing and was able to get it to backfire, but not keep running. It's possible I was too tentative with advancing or retarding timing, but unfortunately I haven't been able to get the Duraspark system running reliably.

Another thing I've tried is swapping the feedback carburetor for a non-feedback carburetor. It ran great, much better fuel mixture and milage until the computer realized that it didn't have control of the carb anymore and went into limp home mode (stupid computer).
Currently I'm back to the EEC-IV / TFI-IV system for the time being, and my current plan is to put in a non-feedback carburetor for better gas milage and try to trick the computer into thinking that it can still control the carburetor. Otherwise I might clean up the duraspark terminals some more and give that another shot. At any rate, hopefully with a little luck I'll have this driving regularly soon.

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